Throat: Farspeaking Amulet Shoulders: Cloak of Hero

Gem1: Jess
Gem 2: Isaac
Gem 3:
Gem 4:
Body : none Torso: None
Arms: Hands: Gloves of Dex +2

Waist: Belt of Hidden Pouches
Legs: None Feet: None
Finger: Ring of Armor Finger:Ring of Substance (Dwarven)

holding: Dagger +5 Returning Assassination Sliver short sword +1 frost
Heward's Hand Haversack Crossbow, light Dragon hunter +1 Dagger of Rust +1
FOG ARMOR: Stats for the armor: AC +7, no Dex
or speed penalties, DR 5/All (a weapon has to deal every form of damage at once
to bypass this DR), Resist all 5. +10 to Hide when in fog or mist or smoke.
Once per day you may cast Fog Cloud centered around yourself, except that the
cloud does not obscure your vision, and you may have the fog cloud follow you
as a free action. (greater shadow +15 Competence bonus on Hide, Greater Silent Moves 15 competence bonus on Move silence and restful)

Sliver dagger +1 Dagger of Elements +1
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